Nigeria’s Healthcare Crisis: A Reality Check from Gombe.

60–80 deliveries every month. No electricity. One forceps for an entire primary healthcare centre. This is not a scene from a documentary on struggling nations. This is happening in Nigeria, in 2025.
On traveling to the Northeast for the first time, I was eager to explore and learn more about what the North had in store. However, what I found in Gombe shook me. What started as a simple visit quickly turned into a harsh reminder of what our leaders call a “working healthcare system.”

We often hear about hospitals being opened, facilities being upgraded and healthcare being improved. But looking at the reality of Gombe, I saw a completely different story

Inside the Gombe Primary Healthcare Centre

At first, the nurses were hesitant to speak. They feared losing their jobs if they told the truth. But how do you stay silent when lives are on the line?

Here’s what I saw firsthand

  • A labour room in shambles. Look at the condition of the room above. At a glance, you will understand why Nigeria’s maternal mortality rate is currently where it is.
  • One forcep for the entire hospital. If a baby is in distress and another woman is in labour, that same forceps is used—over and over. Forceps that should be disposed of are simply “disinfected” in hot water and antiseptic and reused.
  • No electricity at night. Nurses deliver babies using torch lights. I mean torchlight, in 2025, let that sink in.
  • Only ONE inverter powers the entire facility. No proper solar backup. No stable electricity. Plus this facility has a refrigerator that should keep vaccines potent.
  • Vaccines at risk. The fridge meant for vaccine storage hasn’t had power in weeks. Healthcare workers had to transport vaccines from another hospital just to keep them effective.

And just when I thought I had seen the worst…

The Toilet Where Women Give Birth

Look at that picture. Women bring life into the world right next to this.

In 2025. In Nigeria. How is this even acceptable?

Healthcare in Nigeria is now a national emergency. Primary healthcare centres (PHCs) are supposed to be the backbone of any functioning healthcare system. They are meant to:

  • Provide maternal care
  • Treat minor illnesses before they escalate
  • And even offer vaccinations and essential medicine

But when PHCs look like this, what happens to those who can’t afford private hospitals? What happens to the women who go into labour at night with no power, no tools, and no options?

This is not just a Gombe problem. This is a Nigeria problem.

Everything Needs To Change

This trip exposed more than just one failing hospital. It exposed the complete neglect of Nigeria’s healthcare system. And we can’t keep quiet. We must demand:

  • Accountability – Local government chairmen, state governors, and even health officials must be held responsible for the state of our hospitals. Painting walls and cutting ribbons is NOT healthcare reform.
  • Funding transparency – Where is the money meant for healthcare going? With proper investment, our hospitals should be able to treat various illnesses.
  • Proper staffing and equipment – One forceps for an entire hospital? Unacceptable! Healthcare workers need the right tools, training, and fair pay to do their jobs.

What Nigerians Are Saying

“Women shouldn’t be dying from childbirth in 2025, but with facilities like these, how won’t there be mortality?”

“Leaders travel abroad for treatment while our health centres look like this.”

“How do you expect healthcare professionals to be well paid when their workplace looks like this?”

“This is what Nigeria’s ‘free healthcare’ looks like.”

AprokoNation, It’s Time to Demand Change

If your local healthcare centre closes by 5 p.m. or doesn’t operate on weekends, you should be asking questions.

If your hospital lacks basic necessities, you deserve answers.

Healthcare is not a privilege. It is your right. Let us make our voice heard and demand better. Because if nothing changes, everyday Nigerians including you and I, will continue to pay the price—with their lives.

Watch the full Gombe video here

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