Lafiya telehealth launches innovative medical health care points kits

Lafiya TeleHealth welcomes the arrival of innovative health care points kits to boost the APP and platform, this electronic health care point kits allows you to receive on-demand physical exams via live video chat with a doctor’s office using integrated medical exams devices transmits test results to an electronic health record for easy real time monitoring. The kits goes beyond a phone or video chat with a doctor. It provides an on-demand, clinic-quality medical exam right from your home or a Care Point location.

Lafiya TeleHealth is a mobile health company…

…charged with the mission of providing affordable healthcare access. This is targeted at the uninsured and underserved at all times and in all places. This is accomplished through the use of a HIPAA/GDPR/NDPR compliant platform. It connects doctors, patients, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, and insurance providers. They are all linked in a single platform for Integrated Telehealth and Telemedicine artificial intelligence and medical internet of things.

LaFiya is your medical ‘Genie in a phone’

The new innovative AI and Medical IOT powered kits provides 24/7 Telehealth and Telemedicine access to top home and abroad medical doctors and care right from the comfort of your home. This is beyond Video and Voice calls, including online prescription, Tele-diagnosis, and referral when needed. All this can be accessed via smartphone, computer, and AI-powered medical kiosk, amongst others.

Lafiya telehealth launches innovative medical health care points kits

The Home Telehealth Care Kit

It enable patients to perform provider-guided, comprehensive medical exams using the Lafiya TeleHealth app and website. The Integrated Mobile Medical Diagnostic Station collects, transmits, and stores medical data about the patient’s physiological parameters and vital signs. The solar and satellite broadband powered Community Walk-in Telehealth Care Kiosk doubles as a Medical Kiosk Entrepreneurship Program, catering to the health-related needs of people living in remote, rural, under-served areas by bridging the gap between physicians and patients together for maximum care. Also, to empower rural communities, create job opportunities, reduce poverty, stimulate the economy, improve healthcare outcomes, develop communities, facilitate health education, save lives in emergencies, and eliminate the possibility of infectious diseases being transmitted between patients and healthcare professionals. The Complete Blood Count Analyzer and the All-in-One Ultrasound Probe Kit are two other pieces of equipment.

According to Tonye Mayomi, Head of Sales and Business Development at LAFIYA

Healthcare is about enhancing the quality of life and living. That’s what LaFiya TeleHealth is about. It addresses healthcare from accessibility, to finance to preventability to curative. Best of all it levels the quality of care for all.’’

She went on to say that these medical genies are available for order at their Lagos office in Lekki phase 1 and are designed to serve upper to middle-class individuals as well as the underserved rural so that users can have round-the-clock access to world-class medical care, seven days a week, with the push of a button. Lafiya is partnering with top financial institutions; GTB & Zenith Bank to facilitate accessibility to loan for individuals, groups, and healthcare facilities in the purchase of the medical health care point stations.

LaFiya’s commitment

LaFiya is committed to providing the best medical care through its Lafiya TeleHealth App which is easily downloadable on the Android Play Store and Apple Store, and to lessen the difficulties in accessing quality medical care while also creating entrepreneurship opportunities for Nigerians.

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