After blood-alcohol levels start to decline, hangovers start to occur. In fact, some specialists argue that the worst effects happen when alcohol levels get to zero.
The main problem is “drinking to drunkenness”. The amount of alcohol you take to get drunk does not really matter.
So how do we treat hangovers
- Take water
- Take carbohydrates
Alcohol also reduces your blood sugar which in theory can explain your headaches and fatigue. Takiing some quick carbohydrates might help with the symptoms.
- Take analgesics but not Paracetamol
Do not take paracetamol while having a hangover because it might further harm your liver if there is still alcohol in your system. We explained it in detail here
- Take tea or coffee
the stimulants in coffee or tea might help with the symptoms
- Take B vitamins and zinc
Some small studies have shown that people whose food and beverage consumption contained greater amounts of zinc and B vitamins had less severe hangovers. This is not proof that if you take these, it might cure hangovers.
Always remember to drink responsibly.