There are certain reasons why a person may not be allowed to donate blood immediately, in some cases, they are told to come back after they have fulfilled the criteria or may never donate again to anyone
Here are some of them:
- If you are not feeling well, probably due to a sore throat, common cold, upper respiratory infection, the flu, or you have a cold sore. You will be allowed to donate, once you start to feel better and have fully recovered
- If you have used antibiotics recently, you can only donate blood seven days after stopping them
- Recent Body piercing. You may be allowed to donate blood six months after unless it was done under sterile conditions and sterile needles were used
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can only donate blood three months following a normal delivery and six months following delivery by Caesarean Section. Mothers who breastfeed can return once their feeds are reduced to once per day.
- Dental work. You must wait a day after any dental procedure to donate blood.
- Major surgery. Provided there are no complications, the waiting period after a major operation is six months. If you received blood or blood products you may not donate for 6 months.
- If you’ve had malaria. You can only donate blood after completing treatment.
- Hepatitis – If you’ve had Hepatitis A, you need to wait one year after receiving medication. Needs a doctor’s letter to confirm
- Hepatitis B & C: You will not be allowed to donate
- People over the age of 70.
- If you’re taking prescribed medication, always bring them with you to the donation site or record the names of all the medication that you use
- If you are under 50kg
- If you are under 15 years of age
- If you are a man that has sex with other men, you will be asked to wait for about 12 months after your last sexual contact
- If you have syphilis or Gonorrhea, you may not be allowed to donate
- If you have a tattoo, you will be asked to wait for about 4 months after your last tattoo
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It’s hard to say